The company was established in 2012. The area in which it has been developing is energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources.
Its activity is focused mainly on foreign markets. The company is an official importer of pellet stoves with the trademark EcoSpar, Palazzetti, Royal, MOTAN wall-hung gas boilers. и термопомпи KANION by Midea, произведени в Македония, Италия, Румъния и Китай.
START ECO Ltd has been developing dynamically and has a distribution network of over 70 reliable partners in Bulgaria, many EU countries, the Balkans and the former Soviet republics (Russia, Ukraine and the Baltics).
The products manufactured are certified, extremely reliable and comply with EU directives.
The ECO SPAR branded pellet stoves shipped from the Republic of Macedonia and the Italian pallet stoves Palazzetti and Royal are of exceptionally high quality workmanship and have the necessary certificates, which customers can benefit from energy efficiency subsidies with.
START ECO Ltd is a leader on the Bulgarian market in the distribution of high quality, environmentally friendly and energy saving products.
From 01.07.2020 START ECO Ltd is the official importer for Bulgaria of the manufactured in Romania MOTAN wall-hung gas boilers.They are distinguished by the best price-quality ratio on the Bulgarian market. Extremely reliable, energy-efficient, offering maximum comfort during operation at an affordable price.
От 01.09.2021 г., компанията е вносител на термопомпи KANION, произведени от Midea, Китай. Те се отличават с високотемпературна помпа в режим на работа до +65°C, щадящ околната среда фреон R32, изключително ниско ниво на шум в работен режим, възможност за каскадно изграждане на системи, Evrovent сертификат и Wi-Fi контрол за всички модели.